Thursday, September 5, 2024
Pasta with Uncooked Tomato Sauce
This is why you should have a vegetable garden, even if it's just a couple couple tomato plants, a couple eggplants a couple varieties of peppers and some basil in containers. We are fortunate to have a nice flat back yard that gets a lot of sun. This time of year here in Georgia so many herbs and vegetables are getting to their peak of flavor ready to be picked. Pulled three nice Cherokee purple tomatoes out of the garden this morning with the idea of using them to make a simple raw tomato sauce using just the tomatoes, garlic, fresh basil and olive oil. It was very aromatic with the individual ingredients keeping their identity. You could clearly smell and taste the separate components - the sweet/tart Cherokee purple tomatoes, the lemony fresh basil, the pungent raw garlic and the grassy olive oil. The salty pecorino cheese was perfect shaved on top. And on the side, savory grilled Italian sausage.