Sunday, December 26, 2021

Eggnog and Whiskey French Toast

There's nothing complicated about making French Toast despite what you see here with Dustin Hoffman in the movie Kramer vs Kramer. He's, understandably, just a little bit rattled -

But if you aren't rattled it's a cinch.  It's just bread dipped in a slurry of eggs and milk then pan cooked in a little oil or butter and sprinkled with cinnamon or powdered sugar or a drizzle of maple syrup or topped with fresh fruit. That's it, just watch over things and don't get distracted. I love French toast. The other day on the way to work I was listening to a talk radio show. The subject was comfort food. This guy called in and said one of his favorite comfort foods is French toast. He then proceeds to tell us about making it with eggnog instead of milk. That caught my attention. I thought - damn that sounds pretty good! So this past weekend I decided to try to make it. This time of year eggnog is readily available in grocery stores so that part was easy. Personally I like rye whiskey so that's what I used. This really makes a very tasty French toast on it's own with just butter but it would be great with a little spread of peach preserves.

Here's what you need for  6  pieces of French toast (increase in this proportion for more) -
6 Thick slices of crusty country bread
2 - 3 large Eggs
1/2 cup Eggnog
1/4 cup Rye Whiskey or Bourbon or Rum - your choice
1 Tablespoon+ canola oil

The basic ingredients - 

Eggs, eggnog, whiskey - 

Eggs, eggnog, whiskey whisked together - 

Make it a nice good soak so the flavors get into the bread

With peach preserves!


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